Micro Bachat (951)
Micro Bachat Plan(Table No. 951) is a traditional, non-linked, participating micro-insurance plan that offers dual benefits of protection as well as savings. As the name suggests ‘micro bachat’ meaning ‘small savings’, this plan is designed to provide financial support to the family in case of unfortunate death of the policyholder. If the policyholder survives the policy tenure, a lump sum amount at the time of maturity is payable. The plan also provides loan facility to take care of liquidity needs. The plan is ideal for the low-income groups.
Premium Payment Mode: Yearly, Halfly, Quarterly, Monthly(ECS)
Term : 10 to 15 Years
Minimum Entry Age : 18 Year Completed
Maximum Entry Age : 55 Year (Nearest Birthday)
Maximum Maturity Age : 70 Year
Minimum Sum Assured : Rs. 50,000
Maximum Sum Assured : Rs. 2,00,000
Maximum Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider up to age 70.
Policy Benefits :
On Death : On death of the Life Assured during the policy term Sum Assured on Death shall be payable, which is the highest of
Basic Sum Assured; or
7 times of annualized premium; or
105% of all the premiums paid as on date of death.
The premium mentioned above excludes taxes, extra premium and rider premiums, if any. In addition to the above, Loyalty Addition, if any, shall also be payable if death occurs after completion of 5th policy year.
On Survival : On survival to the end of the policy term Basic Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any,shall be payable.
Surrendered Value : The policy can be surrendered at any time during the policy term provided at least one full years premiums have been paid.
Guaranteed Surrender Value: The Guaranteed Surrender Value shall be a percentage of total premiums paid (net of taxes) excluding any extra premiums and premiums for riders, if opted for. This percentage will depend on the policy term and policy year in which the policy is surrendered.
Loan : Loan facility is available under this plan,after payment of premiums for at least 3 full years subject to following conditions :
The maximum loan as a percentage of surrender value shall be 70percent in case of in force policies and 60% in case of paid-up policies.
The rate of interest to be charged for the loan amount would be determined from time to time by the Corporation.
Income Tax Benefit :
Premium paid under this plan is eligible for TAX rebate under section 80c.
Maturity under this plan is free under sec 10(10D).
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